How To Make Your Vehicle’s Universal Seat Covers Fit Better

How To Make Your Vehicle’s Universal Seat Covers Fit Better

Anyone looking to upgrade their vehicle’s interior should first know that going with an aftermarket fix won’t always provide you with the same results as the initial factory installation. This means that you can work until you’re bone-tired on your interior, and it might never improve solely because of the design of the interior seat covers.

Interior seat covers aren’t meant to last forever; instead, they should act as a supplementary answer until you invest further into the vehicle with proper upholstery. Real upholstery features fabric that is fitted perfectly and threaded by hand to get the perfect outcome every time. However, when you buy seat covers from your local retailer, you are generally presented with two options: universal seat covers or fitted seat covers.

Universal seat covers are often marketed as being a one-size-fits-all styling product, but as vehicles continue to be released every year, designs must change, making it harder for universal covers to work appropriately. Fitted seat covers, on the other hand, are only made for specific makes and models, which entices the buyer to choose universal seat covers instead for their interior needs. With that said, here are a few techniques on how to make your vehicle’s universal seat covers fit better and work for you.

Prep the Seat

This is the most important step in preparing your seat for a new universal seat cover. The first thing you will want to do is remove the seat’s headrest. To do this, press in the two clamps that are on either side of the headrest’s base.

Maintain your hold on the clamps and slowly remove the headrest from its sockets. Because there have been so many new variations of seats within the last decade, it’s always a good idea to remove the headrest first. This gives the seat cover a chance at fitting your seat in its original form.

You will also need to align the cover’s seams with the seat’s to approximate where the corners and edges will sit and whether the cover will be a sure fit. This is especially important if you have a simulated leather seat cover, as they tend to be more difficult to install. Make sure to remove any foreign objects or anything that might alter the shape and form of the seat cover before installation.

You will want to clean your seat thoroughly; you might even take the process a step further and add fabric deodorizers to keep the interior from molding or smelling stale when you install your cover. If there are any sharp edges or pieces sticking out from your original seat, you will need to fix them before you install your cover to prevent it from tearing or wearing out faster than intended.

Tuck the Cover

Hold your universal seat cover taut and tuck through the edge that creases the joint between the front and back of the seat. There should be a nice clean line at the bottom of the seat where the back and bottom meet.

Once secured, you will want to slide the bottom piece of the cover over the bottom section of the seat. Next, adjust your seat cover and tuck the creases to make sure everything fits together as tightly as possible. At this point, you will need to secure all straps and ties that come with the cover. The straps will generally cross over the back of the seat to hold the cover in place and provide a tighter grip.

Slide the Headrest Into Position

Now you can slide your headrest back into position. If your chosen product includes a headrest cover, you can add that and tighten it into place, following the same procedure listed above. As you did when you removed the headrest, line the steel rods up carefully with the holes in the seat.

Then, hold the same clamps at the base of the headrest and slide your rod into the hole. Once you have done this for both rods, you will want to secure them to the correct position so that your headrest sits at your desired height for driving.

If your headrest comes with a cover, you may not be given much of an option when raising or lowering the headrest. Regardless of this, you will also want to secure it in place if there are straps available.

Make Your Final Checks

You might also want to conduct routine checks every now and then to ensure the seat cover’s straps are tied down securely and that all the creases are still aligned exactly as they were when you installed the covers. Over time, these covers will suffer wear and tear, and just like any upholstery or material, they will need your support to keep them looking and functioning like new. The straps are in place to ensure you get as much life as possible out of your seat covers.

Final Thoughts

Before you make the decision to purchase seat covers for your vehicle, you should keep in mind that these covers are not designed to replace your vehicle’s original upholstery. These covers are meant to be worn down and used daily, so they will eventually degrade. It will be up to you to take care of them to the best of your ability and replace them when the time comes.

It is also important to note that any punctures or serious issues with your vehicle’s upholstery will affect the longevity of your seat covers and how they fit. Make sure that you prepare for all these things ahead of time and stay on top of them so that you can keep your interior clean and looking like new.

These have been just a few ways to make your vehicle’s universal seat covers fit better. If you’re having trouble getting them on, or if your vehicle doesn’t match the design of the cover, review the steps and tips we have provided in this guide. When searching for high-quality vehicle seat covers, reach out to our team at Fia. We offer a variety of products that will help your vehicle look like new, and we would be happy to walk you through the process of installing these covers in greater detail.

How To Make Your Vehicle’s Universal Seat Covers Fit Better

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